PART TWO of The New Generation of Leaders series. Go here to read the first part of this series.)
The recently concluded 2020 L3 Kickoff launched specific business goals for the following year, and among them is the Lead Associate program to develop the new generation of leaders in the company. The deliberation for these individuals required both deep cognizance of their work histories and personalities, combined with the insights on strategies and targets for 2020 and beyond. These Associates are not merely shadows of the current team leaders: they are meant to amplify and augment the current processes and tactics with their own initiatives. It may be likened to a Master’s Degree for their present roles. Thus, they are not only being trained by their direct supervisors, but also by the management itself.
Candidates were evaluated on their skills, professionalism, and character. They were also selected for their history of harnessing the Core Values in whatever service they are on. Each of them has delivered top-notch customer service in some significant form from their level. Customer service both applies to an employee-to-customer relationship, as well as on an employee-to-employee one. The exercise of delivering a Ridiculously Awesome Customer Experience on both external and internal situations is what sets the L3 experience on a different level. This also teaches everyone in the organization to creatively pursue and innovate in other ways to give a wow experience to both their customers and colleagues.
Being part of the Lead Associate program is not a matter of entitlement. This is, in fact, more of a boot camp. Every candidate must prove themselves daily and must pursue excellence in every way they can. The pressures and responsibilities for leaders can be heavy and they must learn not to balk or break when these situations come up. They make calls that have a real impact on the business. Their actions and decisions cascade throughout other departments.
Every candidate has spoken that they are prepared to embark on this journey at their highest level.
We intend to face the approaching 2020 at full strength. As we celebrate the holidays, we also celebrate our wins for the year, contemplate on the learnings from the challenges we faced, and look forward to the opportunities the New Year will bring. We are grateful for the achievements of our people: the L3 family who brought all the successes, espoused the values, and sailed with the Vision ahead of themselves are our assets, our key differentiator in the industry. If you feel that you want to be part of the family in 2020, we encourage you to join and grow with us.
Happy holidays!